to Heart of the Matter


This page will deal with all matters that hit the bone.
How to deal with a loss of a loved one through death, divorce, children growing up and leaving home (The Empty Nest Syndrome), drug abuse, depression, broken homes, mental illness, physical illness or anything that you feel could be placed here.
It does not have to be sad, it could be cheerful as well.


Link 1  Our first link at Angel's request
AngeLikeme asked me to add that she has Rheumatoid Arthritis.
She hates it but says, "I'm not ashamed. It is classed with cancer and aids so some day I will die from it or complications from the drugs. They only receive money from individual donations. There is no official government sponsers so the only way we will ever get a cure is knowledge and grants. :-("
If you or someone you care about suffers from arthritis,
click the banner above for more information.

Link 2                   Sjogren's
Yvonne's oldest daughter (Jayne) has and still does suffer migraine's along with other symptoms and they still haven't diagnosed her. Therefore, she can identity with this story about Tiffany. If you or someone you know suffer from headaches, this story might give you some encouragement. Help is available!

Link 2                   Anxiety by Val
These pages are designed to provide information on anxiety.
It's disorders include: anxiety disorders, panic disorder (which is sometimes accompanied by agoraphobia), obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, and generalized anxiety disorder.

Link 2                   Anxiety by Reneé

Link 2                   ADHD &ODD
These pages are designed to provide information on ADHD and ODD.
Children with ADHD, ODD, and related disorders are very often misunderstood. People may look at them and see a "bad kid" a "brat" a "trouble maker" or any number of not so nice types of children. the truth is, that children who have these disorders are NOT any of those things!

Link 2                        ADHD FAQ's
                                                                                ADHD FAQ's


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